Monday, September 28, 2009

Bush Must Ban American Travel to Israel, Expert Says

MEDIA ADVISORY FROM ANDY MARTIN'S AMERICA:AMERICAN BROADCASTER ASKS PRESIDENT BUSH TO BAN TRAVEL TO ISRAEL BY AMERICANS, TO END ANY FBI ACTIONS IN WAR ZONE, TO POSSIBLY SUSPEND EL AL FLIGHTS(NEW YORK) Columnist/Internet/radio Broadcaster Andy Martin will present a special internet news conference edition of Andy Martin's America Monday, August 5 at 1:00 P.M. to announce he has asked President Bush to ban Americans from traveling to Israel, to withdraw any FBI investigators from the war zone, and to consider suspending El Al flights.I have asked President Bush to ban travel by Americans to Israel, says Martin. The recent tragedy in Jerusalem, and former President Clinton's offer to carry a rifle for Israel' mandate emergency restraint by the U.S. Government.Congress has very properly passed laws protecting Americans from attack anywhere in the world. I support those laws, says Martin. But Congress never contemplated that Americans would insert themselves voluntarily in a war zone, and attack freedom fighters and provoke combat.A couple of weeks ago, four hundred (400) Americans went to Israel, many with the specific intent of invading the West Bank. It is inevitable that some, perhaps many, of these people, including children, will die as a result of their warlike conduct.While many people brand Palestinians as terrorists,' I see them as freedom fighters. Without the occupation there would eventually be no attacks. For Americans to seek to help steal a homeland from its inhabitants, and to provoke combat, and then ask for the FBI's assistance, is insane. We don't have enough FBI agents to chase Al Qaeda; we certainly don't need them cleaning up after Palestinian-American battles.President Clinton added his own Gilbert and Sullivan operetta aspects to the crisis. He says he wants to carry an Israeli rifle to fight Iraq. Is the Secret Service going to protect Clinton while Clinton attacks Iraqis? Israel prides itself on not having had El Al airplanes attacked. Thus it is inevitable that El Al will be attacked. Should El Al be landing in the United States? I have serious doubts.All of these questions present themselves because we refuse to recognize a revolutionary war for what it is, a war to end occupation and colonization. We cannot allow Americans to allow themselves to be killed, and then send in the over-stretched FBI to investigate' self-inflicted deaths. Unless and until peace returns to Palestine and Israel, Americans should be ordered to stay away. We keep people out of other war zones; why do we allow Americans to travel to Israel to commit war crimes, and then send the FBI to investigate?The ultimate hypocrisy and bankruptcy of the Bush policy is that we are prepared to send FBI officers to investigate the dead, but we refuse to send American officers to separate and defend the living along the U.N. 242 lines, so that peace could take hold. It is insane, says Martin. Martin's controversial program "Andy Martin's America" has become a fulcrum of foreign policy debate, political analysis and contemporary commentary on the Internet. He is a respected voice in America's intelligence community. He has traveled through the Middle East; his foreign experience includes Europe, Iran and Asia. Martin frequently breaks news involving the Middle East crisis. Martin has also been involved in broadcasting for 34 years, as an on-air personality, in management, sales and consulting. He is currently a national columnist for Martin, a former adjunct professor of law at the City University of New York, is a Washington foreign policy consultant for security and intelligence. An assistant to U.S. Senator Paul H. Douglas, he studied under Bernard Fall and was a founder of the Revolutionary War Research Center. Martin's radio program "Andy Martin's America" covers national and international stories from 1-2 P.M. Radio call-in (800) 810-9727. Internet radio website (click "on air"). See for some earlier Martin statements. Temp. e-mail:


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